Conferinta care iti poate schimba viata, Life.Technology.Business @ 26 martie Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca

Scris de  Mar 19, 2015

Joi 26 martie va avea loc la Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, conferinta intitulata Life.Technology.Business, unde 3 speakeri internationali va vor vorbi despre despre instrumentele care accelerează productivitatea și inovatia.

Speakerii sunt :

jeff2Jeff Kodosky - membru asociat în afaceri şi tehnologie la National Instruments, cofondator şi „părintele LabVIEW”.


Known as the Father of LabVIEW by engineers and scientists worldwide, Jeff Kodosky cofounded National Instruments in 1976 and has continued to mentor the global R&D organization and pioneer graphical system design approach through NI LabVIEW.



scott2SCOTT RUST - Senior Vice President, R&D


As Senior Vice President of R&D, Scott Rust leads the R&D vice presidents and their worldwide organizations in driving product development to equip scientists and engineers with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation, and discovery. Rust is the inventor or coinventor of seven patents.



davidDAVID FULLER - Vice President, Application and Embedded Software R&D


David Fuller is the vice president of Application and Embedded Software for National Instruments. In his role, Fuller is responsible for efficiently integrating NI’s vision of graphical system design into the NI LabVIEW platform. In addition to leading the global LabVIEW team, which works on technologies spanning from LEGO® to LabVIEW FPGA, he is responsible for the NI Aachen office and the NI DIAdem product line.


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Ultima modificare Joi, 19 Martie 2015 21:21
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